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General Information

General Information

The Clarendon Learning Center is a busy place!
  • Students in grades K-6 visit once a week for a total of 60 minutes.
  • Students in 4 year old kindergarten visit once a week for 30 minutes.
  • During visits students are involved in a variety of activities.  Some activities are:
    • introduction to various forms of literature
    • exposure to 21st century technology skills
    • book checkout
    • Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum
      • Computer Science 
      • Engineering
    • STEAM activities
Our Collection

Our Collection

A Clarendon Avenue Student has access to thousands of items, including:
  • Easy Fiction (picture) Books
  • Fiction Books
  • Nonfiction Books
  • World Book Online
  • Library World, an online library collection catalog, with the ability to search by index or keyword
Check Out

Check Out

Materials checked out by students are due back seven days later.  Students may renew novels or nonfiction books a total of two times.  Overdue notices start coming home in October and continue every other Friday.  All checkouts are expected back at school by the end of the school year.

1 book each week

Grade 1 & Grade 2

2 books each week

Grades 3-6

3 books each week

Lost or Damaged Items

Lost or Damaged Items

If an item is lost or damaged, a fee will be assigned in Infinite Campus.  If paying by a check, make it payable to Mukwonago Area Schools.